Using group intelligence for nonlinear community, village & gameworld building by spiralling upwards into extraordinary levels of relating and commitment.
Frying Pan for "Couples"
Looking at your parent's relating, you could imagine that you are pretty handicap in create Love Happening.
Thinking that you already know how to Relate is maybe your biggest barrier to learning how to Relate.
Frying Pan for Couple is a rapid learning environment for you to learn Relating
making use of the group intelligence of one or two spaceholders.
Frying Pan is a 'Beep! Shift! Go!' environment where your private life becomes public for the benefit
of spiralling into new extraordinary and Archetypal territories of Relating that you may know nothing about.
So much Love can Happen when the space of Relating becomes a space a Possibility.
Frying Pan is a Possibility Space.
Being Handicapped
It seems to be positively useful to enter a Frying Pan for Couples admitting that you are handicapped in Relating.
When you start from having Nothing, you can only learn Something.
It will go against every of your survivalist patriarchal thoughtware to place your Relating into a public space.
Have you ever regarded a couple - your parents, friends, a aunt and uncle - as a role model for Relating until you discover that they are divorcing? Have you ever wondered how you got fool? What you did not see?
In modern culture, relationship are private. What happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. Secrecy is a rich soil for neurosis of physical or psycho-emotional violence to take root without ever being questionned.
In Archiarchy, Relating is public. It is a Village matter. An Archan Village is centered on Winning Happening, in other words Love Happening. The Village knows that Love happening between two people feeds the Village itself.
Archetypal Relating: Igniting Resonant Archetypal Lineages
There are many reasons why people come together in a space of relating.
Most couples who are not aware of navigating that Relating involves navigating 3 Domains of Love, 3 Worlds, the distinction between Box / Gremlin and Being, Bright Principles and Shadow Principles end up over and over again in Ordinary Relating.
The main purpose of Ordinary Relating is to use your partner as the primary food for your Gremlin. You play your Shadow Purpose in your Relating to prove once again that you have no choice but to survive.
Ordinary Relating is well... Ordinary.
In a Frying Pan, you have a chance to examine closely the thoughtwares, old decisions,
Frying Pan (or Possibility Couples Coaching) #1
with Clinton Callahan and Marion Lutz
Frying Pan (or Possibility Couples Coaching) #2
with Clinton Callahan and Anne-Chloé Destremau
Frying Pan (or Possibility Couples Coaching) #3
with Clinton Callahan and Anne-Chloé Destremau
Frying Pan for Evolutionary Gameworlds
When two or more Team members' communication is blocked, the creative collaboration power of the whole Team suffers.
The purpose of Frying Pan for Evolutionary Gameworlds is navigating back to Community, Love and Collaboration.
A Revolutionary tool for any Evolutionary Team.
How does it work?
The conditions that call for a Frying Pan:
- You participate in an Evolutionary Team: a project, a community, a gameworld, a 3Cell or even a family.
- You agree that your Team includes Transformation, Evolution, Initiation or Change as one of the Bright Principles that source the context of your work together.
- You sense that there is a disagreement, a conflict, a resentment, revenge, manipulation, control or any other Shadow Principles taking place between 2 or more people within your Team.
- You refuse to abide by the survival unconscious collective agreement to ignore the 'elephant in the room'
- You take the risk to put the poop on the table by calling in a Frying Pan
- You can either hold space yourself for the Frying Pan which takes skills or you can call in one of the Frying Pan Spaceholder listed below
How does a Frying Pan work?
Frying Pan for Evolutionary Gameworld
Spiralling upwards into extraordinary
and Archetypal levels of Intimacy
Holding Space
Holding and Navigating Space for Frying Pan for Evolutionary Gamewolds, Communities and Couples
might be your Possibilitator Specialty.
There is a lot to learn,
Skills to practice,
Demons to slay, and
Possibilities to unleash
in bringing Evolutionary Genius back into resonance.
The Edgeworker gameworlds are waiting for you!
A frying pan is a space, in which high amount of transformational heat is generated. The heat that is needed to burn through your illusions, projections, phantasy worlds, stories, constructs and concepts of who you are and who the person sitting accross from you is.
A Frying Pan is not an Emotional Healing Process coaching session.
It is not a couple's therapy session.
It is not a mediation.
It is not a trial.
This heat is generated by three factors:
1. Heat from the circle sitting at the edge of the frying pan.
If you are sitting in the surrounding circle you job is to pe present. Your attention is key to the extent of Transformation, Healing and Love that can happen in the centre of the frying pan. You sit there, centred, grounded and in your personal bubble of space. You may get to whiitness the shift from Low Drama into High Drama. The act of taking radical responsibility for Emotional Reactivity, Assumptions, Expectations and Resentment. It would be naive, to think you are sitting in the audience, untouched by what you see and hear. Sitting in the circumference of the frying pan is also being in the frying pan. This place is also hot. You will start feeling something. Your box will have reactions. And there is a chance that your being will be fed so much by whitnessing, what else is possible in human relating, that it will come more forward and your box will start to enter a liquid state. This is, why frying pans work best when they are used in a group context. The people in the centre of the frying pan go first and by transforming their personal stuckness in relating they open this possibility for the whole community.
2. Your decision
Being in the centre of a frying pan starts with you deciding to go into the middle and claim your spot. This is a courageous act that takes enough conscious Rage to decide that you have had enough of what you already know and can on can not create in relating and are willing to burn down, what is fake, unreal, your show, your defences, your rigidity your righteousness, your lies, your adaptivity, the list goes on. No one can go into the centre of a frying pan for you. And, more interestingly no one can stop you from going into the centre of a frying pan.
3 Heat from the clarity, distinctions and unhookability of the spaceholders
Holding space for a frying pan is like sitting in the focal point of a glass lens where the sunrays start frizzling you. There is no way to hold space for a frying pan from any of your boxes concepts or ideas or plans or your Gremlins wish to be successful, or your Gremlins addiction to harmony or your Child-Ego State's needs for approval or being seen. It will all be burned. The only thing you can radical rely on as a frying pan spaceholder is your own path, your set of Bright Principles, your Archetypal Lineage, your transformed Gremlin at your side, your attention, your unhookability, your purpose sniffer and your bullshit detector.
This is, why it makes sense that two spaceholders collaborate in holding space for a frying pan.
The form
At the centre of the frying pan are four chairs. The spaceholders sitting in two of them, facing each other. The other two chairs, also facing each other are empty.
There are three ways of claiming a spot in the frying pan:
1. You go into the middle, sit on one of the vacant chairs and ask a specific person from the circle if they are willing to sit opposite from you.
2. You go into the middle, sit on one of the vacant chairs and declare that you are willing to go through any process of clarification that anyone may have a need for with you right now.
3. A person from the surrounding circle uses one of their three powers and asks two people, they sense as 'stuck' in any way to go into the frying pan together.
The beginning
Before anything else, the spaceholders shake hands with each participant in the centre of the frying pan. And also the two participants shake hands. This may look like a formality or even some kind of religious ritual. It is not. This is however a chance to connect in Archetypal Love with each other and have a five body experience of a being to being connection with the people standing here with you at the edge of Modern Cultures concepts of war, separation, win-loose games, and create something completely different.
The middle
The end
When is the frying pan over?
When is it enough for now?
Is there anything else that needs to be said right now?
In the end, again the space comes to an end with handshakes. This is a door for expressing the gratitude of what was possible and connecting from adult to adult, even if the boxes are liquid and the emotional bodies may be still feeling Emotions. It is also a signal for the physical and energetic body that this space is closing now. Also for the circle around the frying pan this step creates a clear end, which is needed, before something new begins.
Contextual resources to embrace Frying Pan as one of your conflict-resolutions tools.
For Archan Gameworlds, Gaian Gameworlds, Gaia Villages, Possibility Villages, Bridge-Houses, Ecovillages, Possibilitators Training Specialty, and 3Cells.
Where the 'We' and the 'I' come together in the 'Us'.
Experimenting means to practice simple skills that build into greater competence.
Competence to one woman seems like magic to another.
Magic is competence in an uncommon dimension.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code FRYINGPA.00 to log your Matrix Points earned at this website on http://StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!